Renowned Dutch urogynecologist, Jue Shagen Van Leeuwen, orchestrated distinctive and intricate procedures at the "Erebuni"medical center. Collaborating with the maternity hospital's director, Andranik Poghosyan, and obstetrician-gynecologists, they delved into the operating room for multiple days, executing intricate surgeries and exchanging a wealth of expertise.
The female patients undergoing these surgeries predominantly grappled with recurrent uterine prolapse, having undergone multiple interventions in the past without resolution. The selected cases for surgery involved instances where the issue persisted despite prior operations, presenting intricate and challenging scenarios.
The well-documented impact of uterine descent significantly influences a woman's overall well-being and health.
These avant-garde surgeries offer a definitive resolution to pelvic floor issues, employing cutting-edge techniques that are minimally invasive. A paramount emphasis is placed on preserving the uterus, particularly crucial for younger women facing such challenges.
This marked the esteemed doctor's inaugural visit to the "Erebuni" medical center, marking a continuation of the collaboration initiated within the PUM project several years ago. The roots of this partnership extend back to the past, when Andreas Turkov, a distinguished specialist from the University Medical Center of Amsterdam, performed exceptional laparoscopic surgeries at the "Erebuni" maternity hospital.
Amidst the surgical endeavors, Ju Shagen Van Leuven imparted illuminating lectures to Armenian peers, unveiling latest approaches to urogynecology and treatment guidelines.
Within the "Everything about the Pelvic Floor" conference, a collaborative initiative by the "Erebuni" Medical Center and the Armenian Association of Young Doctors, experts from diverse medical centers delved into the latest benchmarks of this medical domain, engaging in discussions on intricate cases.