
For the first time in Armenia, in the MC Erebuni, five twins were born with caesarean section.


For the first time in Armenia, in the MC Erebuni, five twins were born with caesarean section.
For the first time in Armenia, in the MC Erebuni, five twins were born with caesarean section.

On the night of May 3, 2017, for the first time in Armenia at Erebouni Medical Center by the team of obstetrician-gynecologists headed by an Vice-Director of Erebouni MC in Obstetrics-Gynecology Service Dr. Andranik Poghosyan (MD, PhD), five alive twins were born by caesarian section with the weight of 600,820,840,840 and 880 g.

A 23-year-old pregnant woman L.P. admits to Erebouni MC at 4 weeks of pregnancy. During ultrasound examination it was diagnosed: multifetal pregnancy with the presence of 5 fetuses. In connection with an extraordinary case, the pregnant woman was taken into the constant and careful supervision of Dr. David Abovyan in Maternity Home of Erebouni MC for all duration of the pregnancy. In the world practice there is few cases of multifetal pregnancy that succeed to keep up to 28 weeks of gestation. After regular check-up , on March 31, 2017 woman was hospitalized in maternity hospital of MC Erebouni in order to maintain pregnancy as maximum as possible, as well as provide emergency medical care and perform a cesarean in case of the onset of labor. According to world statistics, such kind of multifetal pregnancy is possible to maintain an average up to of 24-28 weeks. On the night of May 3 the labor process started and the pregnant woman was taken into labor delivery operating room, where the cesarean section was performed by the team of obstetrician - gynaecologists of MC Erebouni headed by Dr. A. Poghosyan (MD, PhD).

During the c- section consistently were born 3 girls, a boy and at the end 1 more girl. The placenta was removed with whole piece with five attached remnants of umbilical cords. The c- section and delivery passed safely with the birth of 28 weeks five viable newborns, weighting from 600 to 850, which according to the world standards is a very good indicator at this stage of gestation in a multifetal (five-fetal) pregnancy.

Vice Director of Erebouni MC in Obstetrics-Gynecology Service Dr. Andranik Poghosyan noticed “For 40 years of my practice I have never encountered with such a unique case! In my practice were triplets, quadruplets, but never was a quintuplet! It`s a unique case in MC Erebouni, and in Armenia. Usually, the conception and birt of triplets and more babies without IVF is already considered unique. The birth of a quintuplet with such a weight is also unique. However, serious work is still expected in caring these newborns and struggle for their life. They will still stay in hospital for probably a month, until they reach 2 kg. “

The condition of the woman in labor is good. She is under the supervision of specialists. After birth, one newborn remained in Erebouni MC, and the rest were transferred to the neonatology departments of other clinics of Yerevan, as there is no any clinic in Yerevan that have so much amount of the necessary equipment and technique to support and care for five extremely premature newborn with extremely critically low weight at once.

The condition of newborns is evaluated as critically severe and severe, but stable, two of them are already on their own breath. Specialists of the clinics in Yerevan do everything possible for the survival of newborns. Their needs, health and condition are under the direct control of the Ministry of Health of RA.

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