
Maternal instinct is above all!


Maternal instinct is above all!
Maternal instinct is above all!

In January 2016 in Armenia, for the first time in MC Erebouni was carried out neurosurgical intervention to pregnant woman.

It should be reminded, that the pregnant woman M.A., 1994 y/b has admitted to ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of MC Erebouni in critical comatose state at 13.01.16. After carrying out clinical and laboratory tests, including an MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain, it has been diagnosed: Pregnancy 25 weeks, Epilepsy. Giant arteriovenous malformation in fronto-parietal region. Hemorrhagic type of ACA (acute cerebrovascular accident). Intracerebral hematoma of the left hemisphere of the brain with penetration to ventricular system. Occlusive hydrocephalus. Spastic syndrome. After concilium convention, the same day the extremely complicated surgery was conducted by the Head of Neurosurgery Clinic, Prof. M.A. Eghunyan (MD, PhD) and Head of Neurosurgery Department Dr.V.G. Hambartzumyan (MD): Decompression resection trepanation of the left fronto-parietal-temporal region with the removal of intracerebral hematoma.

After surgery the pregnant has received appropriate treatment in Neurology Department. By the improvement and stabilization of the patient`s condition she was discharged for outpatient observation and follow up.

Two months later, at 34th week of pregnancy, the Caesarian delivery was routinely performed by the Director of Maternity Clinic Dr.A.P. Poghosyan (MD.,PhD). Despite of high risk of complications the surgery went well. Premature newborn boy with the weight of 1700g was delivered.

The most important factor – it was succeeded to prolong the pregnancy up to the period necessary for delivering viable baby.

Postoperative period went uneventful. The mother and baby were discharged in satisfactory condition under observation of gynecologist and neurologist.

Today, two months later, the mother and baby feel themselves well: the baby was born 1.5 kg , but now he weights 4.5kg., and is developing normally. A young mother will have another surgery: plastic of skull bone defect and rehabilitation.

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