Educational Background
1997, graduated from Yerevan State Medical University
1998, internship
Professional Experience
2005, received training on "Medical supervision of a healthy child"
2011, improved her skills on the topic "Current issues of family medicine"
2012, improved her skills on the topic "Prevention of non-communicable diseases and the most common cardiovascular diseases"
2014, trained on "Principles of early detection, management and cancer prevention of cervical precancerous conditions"
2014, trained on "Management and treatment of non-communicable diseases"
2018, trained on "School of Doctor Egorov" course
2019, trained on "Immunization process for middle-level organizers" and "Immunization in practice" courses
2019, improved her skills on the topic "Current Cardiovascular Problems in General Medical Practice"
2019, improved her skills on the topic "Problems of organizing medical care in emergency situations"
2019, improved her skills on the topic "Current Issues in Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition"
2019, improved her skills on the topic "Current Issues in Gastroenterology"