
Alexei Kisilev, representative of the worldwide known company General Electric in CIS countries, is in Armenia.


Alexei Kisilev, representative of the worldwide known company General Electric in CIS countries, is in Armenia.
Alexei Kisilev, representative of the worldwide known company General Electric in CIS countries, is in Armenia.

Alexei Kisilev, representative of the worldwide known company General Electric in CIS countries, is in Armenia. He is in Erebouni MC by the invitation of the “Arm Med technologies” organization, the Armenian official representative of General Electric. Recently, advanced ultrasound system of last generation GENERAL ELECTRIC VOLUSON E 10 was installed in Maternity Clinic of Erebouni MC, which is unique not only in the republic, but also in the region. Alexei Kisilev presented all the possibilities of the device to doctors of Erebouni MC.

GENERAL ELECTRIC VOLUSON E 10 ultrasound system ranked best in the world and still it is innovation even for the leading clinics in developed countries. It is far more powerful than previous ones, high speed, and has many new functions. GENERAL ELECTRIC VOLUSON E 10 system assesses fetal health at an early stages and delivers the high level of imaging excellence 3D and 4D images, it also has HD live program, which enables to see internal organs of the fetus at an early stage, detecting defects, if any. The device is distinguished by the unprecedented possibilities of neurosonography and cardiography. It is also successfully used for gynecological examinations.

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